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Looking ahead to the 2025 season?

So are we! Stay tuned for our trials diary. Ensure you receive a posted trials brochure by renewing your membership.

Trials & Entry

Trial runs are pre-entry only. Entry forms are provided at the beginning of the season for DESS trials. Please stayed tuned for our 2025 brochure. We cannot process entries past closing date. Please watch our Facebook page and set yourself calendar reminders to ensure these get in on time.

Here is the link to our Facebook page. 

Nursery Trials

Devon & Exmoor does not organise any nursery trials. However, the southwest does hold an annual nursery season. The top three handlers are chosen as part of a team representing the region at the the English Nursery Final in February.

You can find the website for the West Country Nursery Trials here, organised yearly by Trevor Hopper. Maltese Cross, New Handlers classes are typically held in addition to driving. Here are a few of our members competing…