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Trial Results - 2024

Thank you to everyone involved in putting on a sheepdog trial – the hosts and landowners, those setting up, getting the sheep ready, and members picking up at the end of the day. We appreciate all who spot the small details, sharing their expertise, while keeping the course fair for our flocks, dogs and handlers. And finally, thank you to our judges, sitting plumb in your seat for the better (and then some) parts of your day.

We everyone a safe and sound end to the rest of the year.

June 8th - Raleigh's Cross

Judge: Tony Rofe

Open Driving

  1. Frank Richards & Lola 85

  2. Julian Mills & Millie 82

  3. Tarcio Michelon & Bola 81

  4. Will Carter & Jen 77

  5. Emma Grey & Banjo 76T

  6. Rob Hawke & Chip 75T

Novice Driving

  1. Clover Crosse & Goose

  2. Julie Tucker & Pip

Open Maltese Cross

  1. Andrew Hendy & Spike 46T

  2. Jed Watson & Ed 45T

  3. Jed Watson & Wren 42T

  4. Fiona D-Russell & Wolf 41T

  5. John Carter & Frank 39T

  6. Frank Richards & Becca 36T

Novice Maltese Cross

  1. Andrew Hendy & Spike
  2. John Carter & Frank

Cup for Best Outrun, Lift and Fetch
Will Carter & Jen

June 17th - Brentor

Judge: Tony Rofe

Open Driving

  1. Jed Watson with Floss 94

  2. Will Carter with Belle 82

  3. Jed Watson with Ed 79

  4. Julie Tucker with Sally 78

  5. Jed Watson with Wren 77

  6. Jim Nichols with Maud 75

Novice Driving

  1. Julie Tucker with Pip

Maltese Cross

  1. Lloyd Heard with Tess

Highest Pointed Ordinary Member
Jed Watson

Best OLF
Jed Watson with Floss

Highest Pointed Lady Handler
Julie Tucker

June 18th - Westcountry Driving Championship

Judge: Kim Dart

Open Driving

  1. Robert Hawke with Flame 92
  2. Bob Watson with Will 90
  3. Jed Watson with Wren 87
  4. Jed Watson with Floss 86
  5. Carol Worgan with Terri 80 OLF
  6. Anna Anderson with Butch 80

Novice Driving

  1. Tracy Carter with Alster Copper 59
  2. Selena Short with Fever 42


  1. Debbie Survila with Jock and Mia

Highest Pointed Ordinary Member
Jan Trophy Bob Watson

Highest Pointed Ordinary Member Over Two Days
Avery Tankard Jed Watson

June 22nd - Brendon Hills

Judge: Roderick Hayes
61 runs

Open Driving

  1. Floyd Farthing with Sal on 90

  2. Floyd Farthing with Nip on 88

  3. John Wheaton with Meg on 84

  4. Ray Edwards with Astra Gale on 81

  5. Rob Hawke with Flame on 81T

  6. Jed Watson with Jock on 79

Novice Driving

  1. Tracy Carter with Alster Copper 65T
  2. David Kennard with Bec 64T

  3. Tracy Carter with Alster Brew 62T

June 23rd - Brendon Hills

Judge: David Kennard
53 ran

Open Driving

  1. Ray Edwards with Astra Gale 89

  2. Jed Watson with Wren 88

  3. Floyd Farthing with Sal 84 OLF

  4. Will Carter with Jen 84

  5. Dai Meek with Meg 83 OLF

  6. Debbie Survilla with Mia 83

Novice Driving

  1. Tracy Carter with Alster Brew 71T
  2. Robert Hawke with Mirk 67

  3. Tracy Carter with Alster Copper 65T

  4. Clover Crosse with Goose 64T

July 6th - Pittsworthy Farm Championship

This is a limited entry trial hosted by Tony Rofe at Pittworthy Farm.


  1. David Howells Pip 81

  2. Jack Howells Boss 77

  3. Kevin Evans Jet 76

  4. Kevin Evans Jack 75

  5. Claire Slater Ted 72

  6. Bledwyn Lester Jill 71


  1. Kevin Evans Kemi Jack 84

  2. Claire Slater Ted 82

  3. Alison Sharpe Sid 81

  4. Tina Elchler Ace 80

  5. Kevin Evans Mist 80T

  6. Mike Edwards Luke 77 OLF


  1. David Howells Pip

  2. Kevin Evans Kemi Jack

  3. Jack Howells Boss

July 14th - Brompton Regis

Judge: Kim Dart
40 ran

Open Driving

  1. Dave Cole and Tan 93

  2. Jed Watson and Ed 85

  3. Philip Davies-Russell and Rhydarw Jack 84

  4. Clover Crosse and Goose 83

  5. Julian Mills and Millie 79

  6. Carol Worgan and Black Jack 75

Novice Driving

  1. Clover Crosse and Goose 83

  2. Tracy Carter and Alster Copper 73

  3. Will Carter and Belle 62

Judge: Philip Davies-Russell
20 ran

Open Maltese Cross

  1. Dave Cole and Juno 83

  2. Jed Watson and Wren 80

  3. Jim Nichols and Meg 60

  4. Andrew Hendy and Spike 55T

  5. Rob Hawke and Mo 53

  6. Lesley Lock and Bear 47T

Novice Maltese Cross

  1. Dave Cole and Juno 83

  2. Jim Nichols and Meg 60T

  3. Andrew Hendy and Spike 56T

New Handlers

  1. Amy Parker and Will 43T

July 27th - DESS Novice & Maltese Cross Championship

Hosted by Borough Farm
Ordinary Members Championship

Judge: Lesley Lock

Novice Driving

  1. Shirley Greenaway and Tan 67

  2. Julie Tucker and Pip 54 T OLF

  3. Debbie Survila and Jock 54

  4. Victor Pitts and Jago 51T

  5. Robyn Doolan and River 44T

Judge: David Kennard

Open Maltese Cross

  1. Philip D-Russell and Esme 83 OLF

  2. Fiona D-Russell and Nellie 83

  3. Shirley Greenaway and Moss 80

  4. Philip D-Russell and Jac 78 OL

  5. Jim Nichols and Maud 78

  6. Julie Tucker and Sal 72

Novice Maltese Cross

  1. Andrew Hendy and Spike 80

  2. Robyn Doolan and Gypsy 78

  3. Julie Tucker and Tess 70

  4. Fiona D- Russell and Todd 69 OLF

  5. Fiona D-Russell and Drum 69

  6. Philip D-Russell and Joss 68

Best OLF
Shirley Greenaway and Moss

July 31st - Pennywell Farm

Judge: Victor Pitts
28 ran

Double Gather Champion
Tim Nicholas with Todd

Open Driving

  1. Tim Nicholas with Todd 75

  2. Julie Tucker with Sally 72

  3. Tim Nicholas with Milo 69

  4. Selena Short with Puffin 68 OLF

  5. Bob Watson with Will 68

  6. Fiona Davies-Russell with Nellie 66

Best OLF
Shirley Greenaway with Moss

Sept 7th - Challacombe

Judge: Kenny Watson
30 ran

Open Driving

  1. Jed Watson withWren

  2. Bob Watson with Taff

  3. Jim Nicholls with Lil

  4. David Kennard with Mirk

  5. Shirley Greenawa with. Bonnie

  6. Tracy Carter with Alster Brew

Maltese Cross

: Bob Watson
21 ran

  1. Jed Watson with Ed
  2. Jed Watson with Mac

  3. Ken Watson with Don
  4. Will Carter with Frank
  5. Jim Nicholls with Queen
  6. Jed Watson with Floss

Oct 5th - Bishopstone

Double Gather Champion
Jed Watson

Judge: Philip Davies-Russell
39 ran

Open Driving

  1. Jed Watson with Floss 86

  2. Jed Watson with Wren 79T

  3. Julian Mills with Milly 76T

  4. Tracy Carter with Alster Copper 73

  5. Tracy Carter with Alster Brew 70

  6. Clover Crosse with Flame 67 T

Best Shed and Pen
Tracy Carter with Alster Copper

Oct 6th - Bishopstone

Double Gather Champion
Will Carter with Jen

Judge: Robert Hawke
30 ran

Open Driving

  1. Ian Wheeler with Tot 87

  2. Will Carter with Jen 80

  3. Julian Mills with Millie 77T
  4. Carol Worgan with Terri 68
  5. Merrill Fox with Merlin 67

  6. Daniel Pownall with Pip 63

Aggregate Winner
Julian Mills with Millie

Throughout the year, photos have been taken by Fiona Davies-Russell, who has generously contributed her time and equipment to provide most of the website’s imagery. These photos showcase our beautiful countryside and sheepdogs, serving as a tribute to the Society’s history and its ongoing preservation.